23 May 2011

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Cash Deposit telan $$$~awass!!

Ape cite? ce cite.....haaaaa..kes deposit duit, duit kene telan tp resit tulis transaction failed! dlm account duit pn x de, tp duit dh kene telan...ke mana duit tu pegi?? hehehehee..apa cer cimb? cite la sket ;) ni kisah benar, dr 2 org kwn aku, bkn aku petik dr mana2 blog or paper k..sorg kene kt Ganu last week,sorg lg kt KLIA br je td kul 2:30p.m..hmmmmm..apa kes?

kes 1: deposit duit kt abg, tp duit kene telan, resit ckp transaction failed! buat report, cimb ckp 4 hari proses...dh lepas 4 hari, duit x masuk lg..dorg ckp 7 hari waktu bekerja plak..bile agak2nye neh?? kite tunggu lg 7 ari k sbb lum smpai 7 ari lg, so aku x leh nk cite..

kes 2: deposit machine kt KLIA..mmbr deposit $3k utk traveling safety precaution..$100 mesin reject, which is in note of $50 n $50 ;) lg $2900 dh kene telan..resit tulis benda yg sma gak, failed!! bile call buat report, jawapan yg sama, 4 ari proses..and more sadly, cimb operator incharge said, kalo dorg trace ade $1000, that's all he can refund..wat the f*** up!!? yes, ppl can lie about the amount, but don't they(cimb) have a better way to trace the transaction? wat about ppl yg x tipu nipu neh?? haishhh.....

to cimb, plsss be more professional k..jgn pandang benda remeh jer..if u r upgrading ur system or wat so ever, plss note ppl at ur MACHINE..we need to be inform!!

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